Excellence in curriculum,
excellence in results.
From systematic coaching to lifestyle management and career guidance to become a pro gamer.
Programs structured based on GameCoach Academy's know-hows
Solid rank climb through step-by-step customized coaching
Intensive in-game and lifestyle management at the same time
Tournament participation and close follow-up for leading students

Individual consultation, ability
assessment and goal-setting

Level-based class assignment and
detailed refinement for each game

Teaching team games and
advanced concepts

Tournament participation support
Debut and academic support

Feedback-based coaching
with in-game clips

Understanding student’s strengths and weaknesses
Customized 1 on 1 coaching

Data-based analysis
Intensive training

Setting targets for each student
Taking care of game and life pattern

Regular student consultation and
guidance on pro gamer mindset

Sharing monthly studen
t consultation results with parents
Driving motivation and fulfilling CSR with Scholarship
2-month free training to winners of 2022 G.O.A.T:PUBG
Scholarship to student featuring in 'About Time'
Career Experience Program with Smilegate

League of Legends, the core of global esports
League of Legends is a 5 vs 5 MOBA game. Player picks one champion from the pool of more than 160 and builds on its strength to destroy enemy Nexus to win. Games played at higher rank divisions require greater understanding of the game from basic concepts to precise details including champion characteristics, team composition, and preventing enemy from scaling while outscaling them. GameCoach Academy's League of Legends curriculum is well-structured in a staged manner to allow students to develop from novice to pro level.
League of Legends Esports
Major tournaments include LCK of Korea, and League of Legends World Championship, an international event. LCK, considered one of the greatest LoL league in the world, boasts one million total viewers, establishing itself as the top league in the world.
League of Legends World Championship, or 'Worlds', is the biggest esports event in the world. With 73 million concurrent viewers in 2021, it again proved its status as the greatest esports event in the world.
Graduates of GameCoach Academy's LoL track are continuously making a name for themselves around the world.

Curriculum by Rank Division and Level

Novice Class

- • Understanding champions and counters
- • Understanding the basics of laning phase
- • Understanding jungle
Coaching Method
LoL ranked games for basic theories
Feedback-based coaching with replays
1 on 1 laning phase coaching
Feedback-based coaching with replays
1 on 1 laning phase coaching
Coaching Hours
6H per week
Class Cap
Small classes of 4 or less students

Advanced Class

- • Understanding team composition
- • Advanced understanding of laning phase
- • Understanding the basic of reading map and macro
Coaching Method
Advanced LoL theory
Feedback-based coaching with ranked game replays
Competitive match and meta analysis
Feedback-based coaching with ranked game replays
Competitive match and meta analysis
Coaching Hours
6H per week
Class Cap
Small classes of 4 or less students

Tournament Class

- • Understanding team game
- • Understanding practical laning phase
- • Advanced utilization of information
- • Advanced understanding of reading map and macro
Coaching Method
Participating in tournaments
Team game scrimmage
Team game scrimmage
Coaching Hours
20+H per week
Class Cap
Group coaching for team of 5

Tactical FPS, Valorant
Valorant is a tactical FPS game with a team of 5 players played based on tactics and teamwork. There exists various agents and roles with the primary goal to plant or defuse spikes, and the team to win 13 rounds wins the game.
GameCoach Academy helps students climb ranks and enhance performance by improving understanding from the basics such as characters or positioning to details such as macro and economy.
발로란트 e스포츠
Valorant esports consists of VCT Challengers, Masters, Last Chance Qualifiers and Champions with regional 'Valorant Champions Tour (VCT)' as the basis. Teams with outstanding performances in national or regional VCT Challengers participate in the Masters event.
Teams which have won circuit points at VCT Challengers or Masters advance to the Champions, an international event, or Last Chance Qualifiers. Only 16 teams from around the world participate in Valorant Champions over a total prize pool of USD 1 million.
In less than 2 years after the launch of game and esports event, Valorant Championship Finals reached 1 million concurrent views which indicate the global interest in the game.

Curriculum by Rank Division and Level

Novice Class

- • Understanding tactical FPS
- • Understanding the basics of in-game roles and agents
- • Understanding required physical abilities and training
Coaching Method
1 on 1 coaching on the basics
Basic Valorant theory
Real-time feedback-based coaching during ranked games
Basic Valorant theory
Real-time feedback-based coaching during ranked games
Coaching Hours
Coaching Hours
Class Cap
Small classes of 5 or less students

Advanced Class

- • Understanding the basics of macro plays for each round
- • Understanding strategies and tactics based on team composition
- • Advanced understanding of meta and agents
Coaching Method
Advanced Valorant theory
Real-time feedback-based coaching during ranked games
1 on 1 data, strength and weakness analysis
Real-time feedback-based coaching during ranked games
1 on 1 data, strength and weakness analysis
Coaching Hours
6H per week
Class Cap
Small classes of 5 or less students

Tournament Class

- • Understanding advanced macro plays for each round
- • Real match experience through scrimmage
- • Analyzing and utilizing pro gamer strategies and meta
Coaching Method
Analyzing professional matches
Participating in tournaments
Playing team vs. team games
Participating in tournaments
Playing team vs. team games
Coaching Hours
20+H per week
Class Cap
Group coaching for team of 5

Hyper FPS with Different Plays for Each Role, Overwatch 2
Overwatch is a 5 vs 5 hyper FPS game with different roles for each player. The heroes of Overwatch are largely categorized into tanks, damages and healers, and gameplay greatly varies depending the hero picked by the player. The game requires not only precise aim and physical abilities which are prerequisites of FPS games, but also a good understanding of skill distribution, missions and team game. To become an excellent Overwatch Player, one must be equipped with a high level of skillsets required by professional gamers from communication and shot-calling abilities to precisely understand and deliver ever-changing combat scene to teammates, to effectively fighting back opponents before them.
Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2 esports consists of Open Division, the gateway for pro gamer wannabes, Contenders Trial and Contenders which are the steps to the top tier league, and the Overwatch League, where teams from around the world compete. In particular, Korean pro gamers account for more than half of all players in Overwatch League, the top tier league.
Having debuted multiple pro gamers in Overwatch League, GameCoach Academy provides quality coaching for students to excel in greater stages.

Curriculum by Rank Division and Level

Novice Class

- • Basic hero skills and ults
- • Understanding macro plays for each game mode and map
- • Personal settings inspection and aim calibration
Coaching Method
Basic Overwatch 2 theory
Feedback-based competitive play coaching with replays
1 on 1 basic training
Feedback-based competitive play coaching with replays
1 on 1 basic training
Coaching Hours
6H per week
Class Cap
Small classes of 4 or less students

Advanced Class

- • Understanding team composition and meta composition
- • Ult-based macro play
- • Understanding combat situation
Coaching Method
Advanced Overwatch 2 theory
Feedback-based competitive play coaching with replays
Customized training for individual students
Feedback-based competitive play coaching with replays
Customized training for individual students
Coaching Hours
6H per week
Class Cap
Small classes of 4 or less students

Tournament Class

- • Communication and shot calling
- • Proactive teamfight planning and positioning
- • Pro league meta analysis and application
Coaching Method
Participating in competitions and analyzing pro leagues
Team game (scrimmage)
Team game (scrimmage)
Coaching Hours
20+H per week
Class Cap
Group coaching for team of 5

The Greatest Hit in Battle Royale Game, PUBG
PUBG is a 'battle royale' game in which the last standing team in a closing in electrical field wins. To survive until the very end, players must be equipped with understanding of weapons and maps, swift and precise judgment, and reflex. As 'shot quality' greatly differs on player's form, it is extremely crucial for players to manage their form and mentality. While individual skill is also important, in the pro scene, a team of four must be well-coordinated in terms of role distribution, and also be flexible in filling others' positions in various situations.
PUBG Esports
PUBG esports operates actively in Asia. It consists of PIS, the gateway to pro, PWS, East Asian regional league, PCS, a higher-tier regional tournament, and PGC, an international event. Teams with excellent records at each event advance to higher tier events.
The total prize pool for PGC is KRW 6 billion, and the 1st place prize is approx. KRW 1.5 billion. Beginning with scrimmage at amateur level, players can build on their careers through various competitions at each stage.

Curriculum by Rank Division and Level
*For PUBG, students are assigned to classes based on overall consideration of damage dealt at each rank division, K/D and win rates.

Novice Class
- • Understanding skirmish and training based on roles
- • Understanding maps and strategic points in electrical field position
- • Basics of FPS and PUBG (Aim and posture calibration)
Coaching Method
1 on 1 basic training
Normal, ranked games and feedback
Normal, ranked games and feedback
Coaching Hours
6H per week
Class Cap
1 on 1 coaching and group of 4 coaching based on skills

Advanced Class
• Squad-level teamplay training
- Communication with teammates
- Plays using teammates - • Buildup and pressing play in various situations
Coaching Method
Participating in tournaments
Amateur scrim and feedback
Amateur scrim and feedback
Coaching Hours
6H per week
Class Cap
Group of 4 coaching

Tournament Class
- • Understanding team style and game concept
- • Analyzing pro league strategy and personal role training
- • Player mindset and attitude
Coaching Method
Participating in tournaments
Pro scrimmage and feedback
1 on 1 intensive coaching
Pro scrimmage and feedback
1 on 1 intensive coaching
Coaching Hours
20+H per week
Class Cap
Group of 4 coaching

Racing Game Played Around the World, KartRider & KartRider Rush+
PC-based KartRider and mobile-based KartRider Rush+ are casual racing games which offer various modes from Speed Mode, Speed Team Mode, Item Mode and Item Team Mode for 2-8 players. Just like actual motorsports, players build strong 'karts' and compete with lap time. It takes more than general racing skills such as driving, boosting, attack and defense, racing line control for each map, but also mind games, strategy, and unique techniques in KartRider & KartRider Rush+. GameCoach Academy's curriculum is well-structured to allow students to understand everything from the basics to detailed driving and develop from novice to professional level.
KartRider & KartRider Rush+ Esports
KartRider & KartRider Rush+ esports consist of KartRider League, the oldest existing esports league which began in 2005, and KartRider Rush+ League, a mobile esports league.
Loved for a long time with low entry barrier for new viewers, KartRider & KartRider Rush+ esports hold unchallenged positions in racing game esports, with 5-10K viewership for regular season.
GameCoach Academy trains pro gamers with the help of coach Jin-woo Kang, a legend of KartRider and KartRider Rush+ himself.

Curriculum by Rank Division and Level
*Students are assigned to Tournament Class based on overall consideration of lap time for each map.

Novice Class

- • Basic key setting and understanding boost
- • Understanding drift, drag and gauge
- • Understanding racing line
Coaching Method
Basic KartRider & KartRider Rush+ theory
Feedback-based ranked game coaching
1 on 1 basic training
Feedback-based ranked game coaching
1 on 1 basic training
Coaching Hours
6H per week
Class Cap
Small classes of 4 or less students

Advanced Class

- • Driving strategy for major tracks
- • Boost management strategy
- • Driving speed maintaining technique
Coaching Method
Basic KartRider & KartRider Rush+ theory
Feedback-based ranked game coaching
1 on 1 basic training
Feedback-based ranked game coaching
1 on 1 basic training
Coaching Hours
6H per week
Class Cap
Small classes of 4 or less students

Tournament Class
• Multiplayer strategy
- Dealing with opponents, defense, attacking and team game
- Forcing opponent race path - • Team standing strategy, understanding team games
Coaching Method
Participating in competitions and analyzing pro league
Team game (scrimmage)
Team game (scrimmage)
Coaching Hours
20+H per week
Class Cap
Group coaching for team of 4